Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Poetic License

Poetic license
Just an expression, thank God
mine would be revoked

Monday, June 29, 2009

Mr. Mush takes the left turn...

I love it when poems write themselves and go on routes you weren't expecting...

Scaring me to death
With the depth of emotion
You can make me feel

It might just be that
Emotions have been in check
For far too long now

Unable to truly sort
Feelings such as this

Then I remember
That you are in the same boat
That you're frightened too

And I can relax
I can let my feelings out
From their hiding place

The level of trust
That I find I place in you
Is just amazing

Because I know that
Responsibility is
Not taken lightly

We hold each other
Carefully, like new fledglings
Not wanting to hurt

We know how it feels
To be crushed by a Lenny
Or by selfishness


Enough of all that!
Granted, Mr. Mush is real
So is the Bastard

But I find that it's
Really Curt who enjoys you
Screw the personae!

So we'll meet Friday
To dip our toes once again
In our pool of ardor...

Hockey Draft Newbie

Just to understand....
worst go first....the best pick last
09 Hockey draft

grim faced managers
(why do they boo Toronto?)
icy strategy

3 hours to draft
apple cheeked 18 yr old
future hockey stars

No one would have guessed
I would ever watch hockey
one hell of a crush

Thursday, June 25, 2009

June in Dallas

Baking, roasting burn
scalding, searing sizzling
sultry sweltering

torrid feverish
ardent sun scorches blisters
just wait til July

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

For the Empress...

I'm wondering, as
I know beginnings can be
Too good to be true

But you understand...
Think that our starting points are
Not dissimilar

Our hearts have broken
Before and maybe again
We guard them closely

But I'm trying to
Enjoy the moments with you
Free of fear and angst

I trust you and I
To take care with each other's
Bruised and mending souls

I am no hunter
Simply a friend and lover
For you to enjoy

You'll always be free
To give and take what you can
allow yourself to

I'll never hold you
More then you want to be held
Or more than I can

But I can deal with
Even the frightening parts
Because I trust you

Frightening parts can
Become very beautiful
When they're confronted

And that's where I am
Enjoying our friendship and
Learning to release

Even the short time
That we have been together
I've learned quite a bit

Rather, been reminded
That feelings are not things to
Squash beneath my feet

Think I'll let them
Play a little bit, and find
Their place in my life

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Once you start -- you cannot stop -- you see haiku everywhere

Lost Dog -- Black & White
Deaf, incontinent -- needs meds
Beagle Terrier

The backstory -- sign on phone pole on the way to dinner -- maybe there's medication for this

Ode to Jason

by Jenn --

Hot twenty-something,

Far too immature for me,

But hung like a horse.

Many months of fun

But suddenly I’m too old.

You won’t find better!

Back with his girlfriend,

But checking out my daughter

Man, you’re such a pig.

Late nite text message –

The girlfriend’s not working out,

I’ll let you suck it.

Laughing my ass off

Do you think I’m that hard up?

See you around, douche.

Love Jenn (I know I do!) and want to read more??? -- visit her at: www.randomjenn.blogspot.com

To submit your own Haiku for publication -- email us at seriouslybadhaiku@gmail.com

Spring Blows

I hate cottonwoods
irritating snowflakes blow
why do trees hate me

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Foxy Loxy

The backstory: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/us_germany_fox German fox steals more than 100 shoes for her kits to play with.

Germans go barefoot
thief plunders porches of shoes
foxy foot fetish

Agreed, Jenn's awesome

Jenn rocks completely
Kicking some comedy ass
And getting laid too?

One can only hope
That we make her barf a lot
But in a nice way...

Thanks, Jenn

Jenn rocks!

Submitted by Jenn

He's crushing on me
While sleeping on my sofa.
Rock stars need love too.

To read more about Jenn -- visit her blog:

(Thank you Jenn for being our first submission! -- you rock!)

To submit your own Haiku for publication -- email us at seriouslybadhaiku@gmail.com

Sunday, June 14, 2009

In my place :)

What a pair we make
She the Empress of Haiku
Me the court jester

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Internal Monologue - packing for a trip

Flight 7:30
set alarm for 4am
wide awake at 3

Wide strap carry on
Still smells like curry I bought
Can't leave without it

Barettes camera phone
cherry chili chocolate bar
Check purse for ID

Books lip balm notebook
pencil and the sharpener
phone and charger, gum

unplug computer
Sansa Dane Cook Downloaded
What a bag of crap

What's the weather like?
hairdryer and curling iron
lock doors and windows

Check ID again
can I fit more shoes in here
water plants email curt

6 shirts, 2 jeans socks
underwear for 7 days
makeup...pack more socks

Car reservation
Do I think I overpacked?
Turn dishwasher on

2 skirts and a dress
I can rearrange to fit
add a pair of shoes

Out the door by 5
arrive freakishly early
now I sit and wait

Denial? Me??? no, of course not

The backstory: http://thefarschside.blogspot.com/2009/06/vacation-best-laid-plans.html

Gina in Denver
Maybe there's less chance of her
Locking herself out...

Curt is in Texas
Missing Gina in Denver?
No, no, no, no.... yes

(From Gina)

Even in Denver
last year locked outside with dogs
wearing my pjs

Friday, June 12, 2009


(Ok the backstory -- Curt coined the phrase "Cannibulemic" -- or at least WE think so -- and --thought it would be a challenge to write haiku about a bulemic cannibal -- think you can do better?? -- dare you!)


Sweet succulent flesh
succubus call entices
maybe just a bite

a divine nibble
unclean desire fulfilled
sordid sacrament

fingers toes femurs
thigh and breast, tenderloin, flank
surreptitious acts

purge offending sustenance
evidence hidden

dejected, alone
unrestrained nocturnal binge
doomed to purge again

Sweet Friends....

encouraging doves
cooing softly breaks silence
fledgelings start to fly

For my daughter (a work in progress)

Nolie has owned me
From the first time I saw her
She was minutes old

Holding her, crying
Knowing from that moment on
Her back is covered

I had no idea
What real emotion could be
Until she was born


Six months old and she
Knows where my credit card is
Boy, I'm in trouble

Learning and growing
She was counting to twenty
before she was two.

Such a proud Daddy
Everyone must admire
She's the Golden Child


Then comes the divorce
I am absolutely crushed
To be without her

But she cheers me up
The days that I am with her
She fills up my heart

And I recover
Learn to cherish Daddy Days
Not pine for what's lost


Giving her music
She gets enough of Barney
With me, it's The Who

Also the Beatles
She sings Eleanor Rigby
Not missing a word

Hard to comprehend
How cool is a four year old
fan of King Crimson?


Protective Daddy
Scaring crap out of people
No one dares touch her

I know that it's bad
If she can't fend for herself
But I can't help it.

What are Daddies for?
If not to smooth the way for
Their precious daughter?

May the Force....

forced haiku writing
amusing tho' it may be
Yoda like sound you

Guilty as charged I
Do sound too much like Yoda
in my forced haikus

Look on the bright side
At least I do not use my
creepy Yoda voice

Birds nesting outside the window

sweet avians trust
fierce warrior vigilantly
protects the fledgelings

sweet avians threat
Why are you looking at us?
I'll peck your eyes out

Asthma, death and necrophilia

Breathless can be good
Not to the point of needing
your nebulizer

you push the limit....
breathless but not unconscious
and I'm not dead yet

This is a good thing
I am just so not into

Random Haiku from Haiku Frenzy Day

Poo to all taboos
We don't need no stinking rules
Jointly build our own


The artful haiku
muse is stalling maybe she's
on a coffee break

(by Curt)

The fire within
Sparked by the first sight of you
Every single time

Haiku madness (also a repost)

Read and liked my blog
What kind of nut could she be?
She's in Virginia!

E-mails back and forth
Funny, smart, and likable
She'd be quite a catch

Connect with mind first
Always the best way with me
Not just eye candy

Sent me her picture
Guys would think of nothing else
But how hot she is.

Learn more about her
Converse with her on the phone
Connect even more

She's quite a good friend
I can talk to her about
Things that bother me

And things that I like
I told her about Gina
She's rooting for us

And what are friends for?
Giving me her perspective
Things I might not think

She's been through some crap
That people shouldn't have to
She should be so proud

Holding together
Keeping her head about her
I'm proud of her too

And her sweet daughter
She will be a heartbreaker
Just like her mom is

Keep your chin up, babe
The Putz is not typical
We're not all assholes

Know that I care for
My friend and her happiness
More than I can say

Bad Dating Haiku (reposted)

foot fetish request
photos of my red tip toes
scary stalker dude

Sad widower dad
sweet talker tugged at heart strings
scamming rat bastard

our sweet wild oats sowed
poor guy could not have known it
I was a nut job

all things in common
continually braying
Eeyore's lame world view

Tall drink of water
over before it began
so apathetic

sweet forgettable
bland bland bland bland bland bland bland
can't recall your face

Hot sporty trainer
seriously what were you
thinking you would find?

Best first date ever
so desparately craving
love that I can't give

Swing daddio Swing
too nice afraid to corrupt
never will get laid

Set up for failure
Misourri wants company
how could it have worked

Prom date big build up
Bi-polar can't excuse it
what the hell was that

Hank Hill stop calling
you crazy psycho fucker
your third wife shot you